Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Schadenfreude Update: The Ferrai Enzo Mystery
Fat Steven's Million D'oh! keeps getting louder. As previously blogged here, former disgraced gaming executive and Swedish felon, Fat Steven crashed his Enzo in Malibu while posting a %0.09 BAC (and you know he was driving despite he's claims to the contrary).

As today's Los Angles Times reports, things just keep getting better for him.
The crash has also garnered the attention of a leading Scottish bank, which has informed sheriff's investigators that it may own the destroyed car. At the same time, detectives are trying to figure out why another exotic car in Eriksson's extensive collection, a Mercedes SLR, was listed as stolen by Scotland Yard in London, said Sheriff's Sgt. Phil Brooks.

The totaled Ferrari was one of two Enzos that Eriksson brought into the United States from England along with the Mercedes SLR, Brooks said. But detectives concluded that the totaled vehicle did not have appropriate papers and was not "street legal" for driving in California, he said.

I smell an insurance fraud charge being tacked on the growing list of possible charges.


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