Friday, February 24, 2006

Is Talon News Hiring?

Tom Malin, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for the House District 108 seat held by Republican Dan Branch, was outed last week as a former gay prostitute.
"I've made mistakes in my life, and I've stood before my creator and I've accepted responsibility for my behavior," Malin said in Friday's Dallas Morning News.
Malin, or ‘Todd Sharpe’ as his clients knew him, used to work in the New York and Los Angeles areas and charged anywhere from $200-$600 for his “hot uninhibited” services.

Now the heat was on him not just from the usual sources but from the local gay community as well.
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas on Tuesday rescinded its endorsement of Tom Malin, a gay Democratic candidate for the Texas House who formerly worked as a male escort.

The gay political group voted unanimously on Tuesday night to rescind the endorsement after Malin admitted last week he had worked in the sex industry. The candidate acknowledged his work as an escort after nude photographs of him were found on a defunct website.

It's bad enough that he's a former prostitute but what's really going to sink him is his other revelation: He was also a Mary Kay salesman for 13 years, becoming one of the few men ever to win the use of a pink Cadillac.

The primary is March 7 but it's unlikely that his resume is one the Texas voters will flock to. No worries, if he loses the election, I'm sure he can get a White House Press Pass.


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